Tom helps the team to go green

Tom helps the team to go green

Rainbow Trust
Tom helps the team to go green image

Date published: 18 August 2016 by Jessica Homer

Rainbow Trust has a Green Team, made up of staff members who are dedicated to reducing the charity’s environmental footprint. We want to leave a healthier, happier and greener planet for the children we care for.

My name is Tom and I manage the West London Care Team and lead on the Green Team. I know it’s important for our charity to consider its ecological impact and it is the Green Team’s responsibility to make sure that all Rainbow Trust employees are aware of the small changes they can make which will have a lasting environmental impact.

Our Family Support Workers’ drive cars with low emissions, we reuse office supplies, we make sure we aren’t wasting electricity and also we recycle glass, paper, cans and plastic. Recently we launched an awareness campaign, during our annual staff conference, to encourage staff to ‘Think Green’ and ran another campaign - sharing ‘Green Tips’ among all colleagues where we offered a hamper to the winner.

We will continue to ensure we work in a manner that is as sustainable as possible and work to improve and innovate where we can. I’ll be sharing our journey with you through this blog. Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comment section!