My son Mohammed is five years old and was born with a rare genetic condition called trichohepatoenteric syndrome which affects his liver, intestines and immune system.
Mohammed catches infections easily and often, sometimes leading to long hospital stays. He needs a Hickman line, an intravenous catheter, for nutrition; eats very little by mouth, tires easily, and experiences flare-ups of his condition, which can be life-threatening.
In the future he will need a liver transplant.
Mohammed also has a severe autism diagnosis, is non-verbal and has no sense of danger. We have to monitor him 24/7 to ensure that he does not pull out his Hickman line and stays safe.
Life is very difficult. I do struggle sometimes.
My husband works long hours, and I care for Mohammed full time. Trying to attend to Mohammed’s needs and also be there for our three other children is demanding and incredibly overwhelming.