Rainbow Trust has been lucky enough to benefit from the support of Gyles Brandreth. Gyles has also created a fun daily word puzzle, called 'Full Rainbow' which challenges you to make a word out of seven letters against the clock.

Gyles' 'Full Rainbow' game

Gyles Brandreth's 'Full Rainbow' game is a great way to get your brain working and start your day off with a challenge. The game challenges players to create a word out of seven letters against the clock - there is a new word for each day. The quicker you complete the word, the full-er your rainbow. The aim of the game is to complete a full rainbow!

Gyles Brandreth's support of Rainbow Trust

BBC Radio 4 Appeal

In August 2018, Gyles Brandreth fronted the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity.

In the appeal Gyles talks openly about his personal connection to Rainbow Trust. He also shares the story of another family we have helped, whose mother had to live in hospital for five months with Dominic, her 10-week-old son, while he underwent intensive cancer treatment. Meanwhile her husband was left trying to cope at home, looking after their five-year-old son, who didn’t understand what was happening.

BBC Lifeline Appeal

In May 2024, Gyles presented our BBC Lifeline Appeal which featured the stories of three families supported by Rainbow Trust. Gyles shared the stories of Emily, Beatrix and Riley’s family and explains how Rainbow Trust is making a vital difference to their lives.

Gyles shared his own experience of when his family received support from Rainbow Trust when his grandson Kitt, was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer at 18 months old.

Gyles said:

Gyles Brandreth quote image

“I am honoured to be backing this appeal.

I know just how vital Rainbow Trust’s Family Support Workers are in helping families cope.  The exhaustion, stress and the relentlessness of serious childhood illness cannot be underestimated. The simplest thing of having access to a Family Support Worker to help is invaluable. 

Kitt is now eight and has a bright future ahead of him. His older brother Rory, now 17, still reflects on fond memories with Family Support Worker Angie as someone he could talk to, trust with his thoughts and worries and the big difference that made to him. 

Thank you for supporting this appeal. By donating today, you can ensure more families like mine receive vital support when they need it most.”

Gyles Brandreth, Supporting the BBC Lifeline Appeal

Watch and support our BBC Lifeline Appeal

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What Rainbow Trust does

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Donation payment values.

£5 could provide bereavement support to help a family cope with the death of a child.