Organise a charity sporting event

Raising money through sporting events is a great way to rally the community and bring people together for a good cause. No need to worry about your ability, a charity game is all about having fun and raising money for seriously ill children and their families.

Planning an event? We'd love to hear about it and support you throughout the process. Get in touch to let us know.

How to organise a charity sports event

Pick a date

Once you have chosen what sport you'd like to play, the next step is to pick a day. Think about how much time you might need to plan and get your teams together. Ensure there's enough time for people to get it in their diaries!

Choose a location

Think about what kind of venue you will need, as well as making sure it is accessible for everyone. Make sure to decide on a venue well ahead of the event date.

It's worth asking your venue if they would consider giving you a reduced rate for your event!

Assemble your teams

Get your friends, family, colleagues and classmates together and send out your invites! Make sure you don't overfill your spots so that everyone can have a chance to play.

Ask your participants to share the event among their own networks, to spread the word and increase spectatorship.

Fundraise at your tournament

Set up a fundraising page ahead of your event to maximise the time you can collect donations. Ask participants for a contribution to take part in the event, and spectators for donations in return for attending.

You could sell refreshments, or half-time snacks to raise some extra money.

How to collect and pay in your charity fundraising money

Not sure how to pay in your fundraising money? Read our guide on how you can do this in just a few clicks.

Here's how your money helps

  • Component_EditorialFifth_FabFact1692Families_140x140 image

    For families

    24/7 support for families across the country, from diagnosis and beyond.

  • Component_EditorialFifth_Bubble_SiblingSupport_140x140 image

    For siblings

    Emotional support for the brothers and sisters of seriously ill children.

  • Component_EditorialFifth_Bubble_HomeSupport_140x140 image

    At home

    Practical and emotional support to families at home - both in person and virtually.

  • Component_EditorialFifth_Bubble_HospitalSupport_140x140 image

    At hospital

    Supporting families with hospital stays, appointments and admissions.

  • Component_EditorialFifth_Bubble_BereavementSupport_140x140 image

    With transport

    Providing safe transport to vital medical appointments and hospital visits.