News articles

  • The need to tackle high funeral costs thumbnail

    The need to tackle high funeral costs

    • Date published: 08 Aug 2017 by Digital Team
    Families adjusting to the death of a child experience much grief and distress. Finding the money to pay for a funeral can be an added source of stress. Rainbow Trust welcomes a consultation from the D...
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  • Top tips for a successful picnic thumbnail

    Top tips for a successful picnic

    • Date published: 07 Aug 2017 by Kimberley Norris
    Whatever the weather, a picnic is a perfect excuse to get everyone together and this summertime, whether you decide to head to the park or prefer to stay in and camp out on your living room floor, we’...
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  • How to survive The Nuts Challenge thumbnail

    How to survive The Nuts Challenge

    • Date published: 04 Aug 2017 by Kimberley Norris
    This gritty, exhilarating and often very muddy adventure race is well known for its challenging obstacles. But how do you make sure you get to the finish line? We asked some experienced ‘nutters’ for ...
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  • Summertime Picnic: what's it all about? thumbnail

    Summertime Picnic: what's it all about?

    • Date published: 21 Jul 2017 by Anna Jackson
    Our Summertime Picnic is a nationwide fundraising event where we ask people across the UK to host their own picnic, using the materials we’ve provided, to raise funds for Rainbow Trust. Every day m...
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  • Double fundraising by Natta Group thumbnail

    Double fundraising by Natta Group

    • Date published: 14 Jul 2017 by Anna Jackson
    On Friday 9 June 2017, Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity was fortunate enough to be one of the beneficiary charities of the annual Natta Group Golf Day. Natta have been a long time supporter of Rain...
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