
  • Look For Me In Rainbows thumbnail

    Look For Me In Rainbows

    • Date published: 02 Jan 2019 by Anna
    Family members remember Declan by completing a half marathon to support seriously ill children and their families. Just over a year ago Declan Dunne tragically passed away. He was a kind-hearted man...
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  • Make 2019 the year you make a difference thumbnail

    Make 2019 the year you make a difference

    • Date published: 31 Dec 2018 by Digital Team
    January is a great time to start thinking about a healthier year ahead and what better way to motivate yourself than to sign up for a sporty challenge and give back at the same time! As a Rainbow...
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  • I didn't want to worry my mum thumbnail

    I didn't want to worry my mum

    • Date published: 28 Dec 2018 by Anna Jackson
    ​A child’s life changes dramatically when their brother or sister is diagnosed with a serious illness. Our new report, See Us, Hear Us, Notice Us sets out why there’s a need to support the siblings of...
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  • Christmas is almost upon us thumbnail

    Christmas is almost upon us

    • Date published: 19 Dec 2018 by Anna Jackson
    I love this time of year when Christmas is almost upon us, gifts (nearly) all wrapped and colourful twinkling lights brighten up the night sky. I am greatly aware that this is not an easy time of...
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