Latest news, page 63

  • Budget 2017: A missed opportunity thumbnail

    Budget 2017: A missed opportunity

    • Date published: 22 Nov 2017 by Jessica Homer
    Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity is disappointed that today’s Budget from Chancellor Philip Hammond has missed the opportunity to bring comfort to families of children with life threatening or termina...
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  • Rainbow Trust backs #BurytheDebt campaign thumbnail

    Rainbow Trust backs #BurytheDebt campaign

    • Date published: 16 Nov 2017 by Anna Jackson
    As part of the Fair Funerals alliance, Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity is backing the #BurytheDebt campaign in the run up to the Budget on 22nd November. We are urging the Chancellor to increase the ...
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  • Hanover Dairies raise over £51,000 thumbnail

    Hanover Dairies raise over £51,000

    • Date published: 15 Nov 2017 by Anna Jackson
    On 4 November 2017 Hanover Dairies Limited held its 4th Charity Ball in aid of Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity and raised £51,000. The event took place at the Crowne Plaza in Newcastle and was host...
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