Rainbow Trust reacts to The King’s Speech, 2024

Rainbow Trust reacts to The King’s Speech, 2024

Rainbow Trust
Rainbow Trust reacts to The King’s Speech, 2024 image

Date published: 17 July 2024 by Katie Inglis

Zillah Bingley, Chief Executive of Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity, said:

“Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity welcomes the news that the Children’s Wellbeing Bill will put children and their wellbeing at the centre of the education and children’s social care systems."
“Rainbow Trust helps many children who are seriously ill. They cannot always go to school safely because of risk of infection, their needs are not being met at school, or schools themselves are inaccessible. These children do not always get the help they need from their local authority to learn. We also support their siblings who may be too anxious or too tired to learn. Local authorities must understand the reasons why some children cannot always go to school. Rainbow Trust calls on councils to make a meaningful offer of education and social support to all children affected by serious illness, in partnership with charities. We also call on the government to increase funding to enable local authorities to do this without delay, including more effective, sustainable commissioning."
“Rainbow Trust also welcomes the news that parents who are trying to balance paid work and caring for their seriously ill child, will benefit from enhanced rights to help with parental leave, flexible working, and protection from unfair dismissal. This will make a difference to parents, and the economy alike, so that skilled and committed people don’t leave the workplace unnecessarily. However, the government must bring forward work to improve social care funding so that parents can balance work and care.”

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