Date published: 21 July 2017 by Anna Jackson
Our Summertime Picnic is a nationwide fundraising event where we ask people across the UK to host their own picnic, using the materials we’ve provided, to raise funds for Rainbow Trust.
Every day more families are told the devastating news that their child has been diagnosed with a life-threatening condition. The impact on the child and their family can be devastating, so when they need someone to turn to, Rainbow Trust is there. By taking part in our Summertime Picnic, you’ll make sure that Rainbow Trust can be there for seriously ill children and their families.
Hosting a Summertime Picnic is a great way to help support us because it’s fun, easy to prepare and a great excuse to feast! You can get your Picnic Pack here. It makes everything, from inviting your friends to raising money, a walk in the park. Whether you’ve raised £5 or £500, we’d love to see your Summertime Picnic so make sure to share any photos you take on our ‘latest news’ page, or tweet them to us at @RainbowTrustCC.
Aimee, Phoebe’s mum said:
“Having someone there who you can trust with your child is amazing, I don’t know what we’d do without Amelia, our Family Support Worker now,”
As little as £23 can provide families an hour of life-changing support from a Rainbow Trust Family Support Worker.
Meet Amelia, a Rainbow Trust Family Support Worker
Amelia is one of our Family Support Workers caring for children and young people with a life threatening or terminal illness. We provide support to over 2,000 families but we need your help to reach more.