
  • AppyDriver Charity Drive thumbnail

    AppyDriver Charity Drive

    • Date published: 10 Aug 2015 by Jessica Homer
    Do you think you’re a good driver? Why not see how good you are and help raise money for Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity at the same time. We are really pleased to announce that Admiral Insurance ...
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  • Alton Cars complete Ben Nevis Challenge thumbnail

    Alton Cars complete Ben Nevis Challenge

    • Date published: 06 Jul 2015 by Anna Jackson
    The Alton Cars team came, saw and conquered the epic Ben Nevis Challenge ​and raised £5,000 for Rainbow Trust. The adventure began on Friday morning with the team setting off in 2 motor homes for bo...
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  • Interning with the Corporate Team thumbnail

    Interning with the Corporate Team

    • Date published: 13 May 2015 by Anna Jackson
    From the moment I entered Rainbow Trust I was treated as a vital member of the team. The organisation has a warm, friendly and welcoming atmosphere, coupled with individuals that were responsive to my...
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