Family support workers

  • A week in the life of a Family Support Worker thumbnail

    A week in the life of a Family Support Worker

    • Date published: 21 Oct 2020 by William Mackenzie
    William is a Rainbow Trust Family Support Worker in the North West and shares a typical week with us. Every day I check my emails first thing in the morning and I send figures and information to Anne...
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  • Sharing a special moment thumbnail

    Sharing a special moment

    • Date published: 01 Sep 2020 by Fiona Rankine
    For a family waiting for a life changing transplant the levels of anxiety are always high. Will the transplant come in time? Will the surgery and recovery go well? What will life be like afterwards? A...
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  • Rainbow Trust's Young Carers thumbnail

    Rainbow Trust's Young Carers

    • Date published: 16 Jan 2020 by Fiona Rankine
    I was once asked by a concerned parent what I thought the long-term impact would be on their other children, having a brother with cancer. This was an impossible question to answer as nobody can predi...
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  • A week in the life of a Family Support Worker thumbnail

    A week in the life of a Family Support Worker

    • Date published: 30 Sep 2019 by Angie Pinnock
    Angie has been at Rainbow Trust for 3 years and shares one of her working weeks with us. Monday I visited a mum whose seven-month-old baby had died. She is struggling most days as her husband wo...
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