Sibling support

  • Time to shout about social palliative care thumbnail

    Time to shout about social palliative care

    • Date published: 22 Jan 2016 by Anna Jackson
    Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity is the leading organisation providing children’s social palliative care in England. But mention palliative care for children and all too often people think of hospices...
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  • Rainbow Trust responds to the Spending Review thumbnail

    Rainbow Trust responds to the Spending Review

    • Date published: 26 Nov 2015 by Anna Jackson
    Rainbow Trust is disappointed at the opportunities missed in the Spending Review to support measures which would benefit families with a terminally ill child. There was no mention of fully funding car...
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  • Family Support Volunteers making a difference thumbnail

    Family Support Volunteers making a difference

    • Date published: 24 Nov 2015 by Anna Jackson
    All our volunteers are integral to the way we operate. Whether it’s a day a week or a few hours a month, the time given by our amazing volunteers, really does make a huge difference. We couldn’t do it...
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  • ​What’s next for sibling support? thumbnail

    ​What’s next for sibling support?

    • Date published: 26 Oct 2015 by Anna Jackson
    ‘The best place to cry is in the bathroom and the worst bit of all is the obligation to be nice!’ These were the words a teenage girl said to me as she tried to cope when her younger sister was se...
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  • Meet Claire a Sibling Support Worker thumbnail

    Meet Claire a Sibling Support Worker

    • Date published: 10 Apr 2015 by Anna Jackson
    Claire Warrender, from our Manchester team answers a few questions on what it’s like being a Sibling Support Worker and why supporting siblings with a brother or sister with a serious illness is so im...
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  • My Story by Laura thumbnail

    My Story by Laura

    • Date published: 07 Apr 2015 by Anna Jackson
    My family was just like any other family. We had our ups and downs but overall we were happy. We had days out to Moors Valley for picnics with ice cream and cheese sandwiches and we often went for wal...
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