Social palliative care

  • Alarm over Children and Social Work bill thumbnail

    Alarm over Children and Social Work bill

    • Date published: 26 Oct 2016 by Anna Jackson
    Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity questions the consequences of proposed new legislation on children and social care for the children that we support, who have a life threatening or terminal illness. T...
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  • Baby Loss Awareness Week thumbnail

    Baby Loss Awareness Week

    • Date published: 12 Oct 2016 by Anna Jackson
    This week is Baby Loss Awareness Week (9-15th October) with many organisations coming together to draw attention to the experience of families who experience miscarriage or the death of a baby or infa...
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  • Talking to someone can take away the loneliness thumbnail

    Talking to someone can take away the loneliness

    • Date published: 10 Oct 2016 by Anna Jackson
    Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity provides emotional and practical support to families living with a child with a life threatening or terminal illness. We support the whole family in whatever way they ...
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  • You don’t have to be a millionaire… thumbnail

    You don’t have to be a millionaire…

    • Date published: 17 Sep 2016 by Anna Jackson
    It’s just a myth that only the very rich can leave money to charity when they die. It’s just one of many misconceptions about giving to a charity in your will. Actually, legacies make a surprising ...
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