What you'll need

  • kidsactivities_numberwheel_cardboard image

    Old Cardboard box

  • kidsactivities_numberwheel_Pens image

    Pens or paints and ruler

  • kidsactivities_ChickBookmark_Glue image


Step 1

Cut out a square of yellow paper 15cm x 15cm.

Step 2

Fold in half into a triangle.

Step 3

Fold the top corner down to the middle of the long edge.

Step 4

Fold the side corners into the middle of the long edge to get 2 creases.

Step 5

Fold each side point up to the top.
Tuck each corner into the pocket created.

Step 6

Cut out 2x eyes, 2x feet and a beak.

Step 7

Stick the pieces to the chick body and, once dry, use as a bookmark.

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Download a step-by-step worksheet for this activity (PDF)

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£5 could provide bereavement support to help a family cope with the death of a child.