Chocolate Cake recipe for the Great Rainbow Bake

Preparation time 10 mins and cooking 20 minutes plus time for cooling, icing and eating.

For 9” cake tins just triple the mixture!


  • 4 oz self raising flour
  • 4oz soft margarine
  • 4oz castor sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 level tsp baking powder
  • 1 heaped tablespoon cocoa
  • 2 tablespoons of boiling water

What you do…

  • Melt the cocoa with the water
  • Shove everything in a mixer/food processor and mix until combined.
  • Pour into two 6” round cake tins – greased and lined (or something similar)
  • Pop in a preheated oven, 170 degrees for 20 minutes or until brown (when you lightly press with your finger they are firm but bounce back a bit).
  • Take out, cool for a couple of minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool completely.
  • You can then either sandwich them together with cream or make up some icing with icing sugar, a tsp of cocoa powder and a tsp of hot water. Ice the top too and decorate.

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